from the
August 6th Action
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P R E S S rR E L E A S E
TO: All Media
RE: Arrests at ATK
FROM: Christian Peacemakers Team
DATE: August 7, 2007
CONTACT: Kryss Chupp, Chicago, 773-277-0253 or email.
CPT online
Eight Arrested for Delivering Roses to Alliant Techsystems Headquarters on Hiroshima Day.

On Monday, August 6, approximately 40 people gathered at the headquarters of Alliant Techsystems, Inc. (ATK) in Edina, MN to prayerfully commemorate all who died in the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki 62 years ago, and those who have suffered the effects of Depleted Uranium (DU) poisoning in recent years.

Arrested were (front row l to r) Cliff Kindy, Kryss Chupp, Delycia Fuestel, Sally Ann Brickner, Steve Clemens, (back row l to r) Colin Stuart, Martin Smedjeback, and Tarek Abuata.
ATK is the world's largest producer of DU weapons. The United States has used DU weapons in former Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, and Iraq. Health effects linked to DU's radioactive particles include increased instances of cancers, leukemia, birth defects, miscarriages, and infant mortality among civilians and soldiers alike. In addition, ATK produces motors for launching nuclear missiles.

Vigil participants representing Christian Peacemaker Teams, AlliantACTION, and other Minnesota peace groups, dressed in black and carried white roses to represent healing and remembrance for those who have suffered from nuclear weapons and DU. Instead of missiles and bombs raining down destruction and horror, participants prayed for a new day– for the raining down of love on all God's people.

CPT training participant, Jean Fallon, a Maryknoll Sister who lived in Japan for 50 years, spoke of the horror of the atomic bomb on the people who survived the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings: "There was residual radiation after the bomb exploded and it was very potent. First the people would get leukemia and thyroid cancer, and other cancers would follow. Depleted Uranium works in the same way. Particles are taken in by the body and they go off at different times. Many of the children get leukemia right away. They have the same kind of birth defect– bone cancer."

Holding signs that said "Hiroshima: Never Again," vigilers passed white roses to others bearing signs representing victims of DU– Iraqi civilians, Soldiers, Children, Afghanistan, etc. As the crowd sang out the words, "None can stop the Spirit, burning now inside us. We will shape the future. We will not be silent," eight participants carried their white roses towards the front door of ATK, hoping to deliver their message of peace to executives inside. When stopped by several ATK employees and Edina police, the eight attempted to engage in dialogue and negotiate entrance to the building. Police warned the group to leave or they would be arrested. The eight then knelt down in prayer. Each person received a citation for trespassing which carries a $142 fine.

Arrested were Tarek Abuata (Bethesda, MD), Sally Ann Brickner (Green Bay, WI), Kryss Chupp (Chicago, IL), Steve Clemens (Minneapolis, MN), Delycia Fuestel (Lebanon, NH), Cliff Kindy (N. Manchester, IN), Martin Smedjeback (Sundbyberg, Sweden), and Colin Stuart (Ottawa, ON).

Related LINKS:
Images from the August 6 action - click here
Christian Peacekeeper Teams online - click here
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