2nd Annual
WAMM Walk Against Weapons

Focus: Alliant Techsystems in Eden Prairie
A three mile stroll in the rain.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
90 activist walked raising awareness "drop by drop".
The rains came... and so did the walkers! After gathering in the parking lot at Bakers Square and registering, we had a short rally and about ninety walkers set off on the three miles to Alliant Techsystems corporate headquarters. The rain was relatively heavy, but our spirits were high and we received many friendly honks and waves. We had a big WAMM Walk Against Weapons banner leading and many individuals wore Walk Against Weapons signs on their backs or around their necks; it was quite an impressive sight... in the rain.
Woman Against Military Madness and AlliantACTION organized the fundraising walk for WAMM from Bakers Square, around the Eden Prairie Shopping Center, to ATK's corporate headquarters. Thousands of suburbanites witnessed this year's WALK AGAINST WEAPONS.
Check out WAMM online - click here
This is a visual representation of the event. It is not meant to be complete, but rather a glimpse of the moment.
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20 images. © 2009 CircleVision.org. All rights reserved.
Vanessa waiting for that first registration...
And they came despite the rain.
Group photo at the beginning. BIGGER view - click here
The walk begins... in the rain.
Did we mention it was raining and cold?
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